You might live in a very stressful time now, you worry if you are able to keep your job, take care of your kids or if your business is going to make it. All these thoughts and worries are not good for your health.

So I wrote out reasons why it benefits you to start a gratitude journal

  1. Whatever you are thinking, your body is feeling
    Your body does not know the difference in between you need to run for your life stress (Being chased by a lion) versus I am about to lose my job stress. But both are completely different scenario’s! So if you can change your thought process and control the stress signals you are giving to your body you probably feel a lot happier!
  2. It gives clarity.
    It gives clarity for the things that matter for you. What are you grateful for that you have in your life? It points out what matters most for you and from there, you can think of ways to create more of that.
  3. It helps you to stay positive in challenging situations
    There is always some light shining through dark times, so find that silver lining and focus on it.
  4. It makes you less self-centered
    I am going to admit this one, when I went on my healing journey halfway I realised that the focus got way too much on myself and that I just became a self-centered tart. All the self esteem therapy with I am amazing, I am smart, I am gorgeous can backfire on us and make our self esteem even lower or straight forward arrogant. And this, I see a lot. But if you focus on gratitude you automatically create compassion and the urge to help others. Which belief me, makes you a lot happier than standing in front of the mirror telling yourself how amazing you are.
  5. It takes care of your physical health.
    It overall makes you feel better, if you are doing it the right way. When you wright something down, you want to really feel it for it to work. But if it works, you start to feel happier, which makes you sleep better, which again gives you more energy to do your workouts which boost your confidence level.. and this is how the cycle continues..

Now remember what I wrote before, you want to actual feel the gratitude if you write it. So really figure out what are you grateful for and you don’t need to think big. You can be grateful for a nice coffee in the morning, or being able to wave at your neighbour while we are all on a lockdown.

Let me know in the comments why it helps for you or why not? Are you able to keep up with a routine these days that makes you feel happy and healthy?

Lots of love,


“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”