Gratitude journal

I have always been a writer, for me, it is a way to express my feelings or even just to pay that little bit extra attention to something that is really valuable. Depending on where I am, the reason why I write, changes. I have journals from when I was a teenager and had all these, what I thought, dramatic life experiences, to my amazing travel journals and gratitude journals.

I am a real, -living in the moment type of girl, I guess I have that from my mom. I remember being young and in a beautiful place with my family, my mom always told us to sit still, and just be. Enjoy the moment and really ‘ take it in’ as that are the words she would use. I guess in the end we are really alike and not just by looks!

For me having a gratitude journal reminds me of where I am in life and where I want to be, especially after the meditation course I got a lot more conscious about my life. I didn’t write much in Australia as I daily felt so thankful to just be there and enjoyed every single moment as I knew it would end pretty soon. However lately, Singapore life is living me, and I feel like I am always on a train. I live in a real business city and my job is very stressful so I need some time where I pull myself back and sit down and remind myself where I am actually really grateful for.

And that is what you see nowadays, especially in a city like this, where people are getting caught up in their jobs, time goes by so fast and they don’t live consciousness. People get into a routine and just live their life how they think it should be. And I guess after a while you just don’t see the small things anymore.

So I started my gratitude journal again and I remind myself every day where I am thankful for. Most of the time it’s about small things, I cooked a really good vegan meal or I spoke to one of my many good friends what reminds me how loved I am. And it can be anything: A good hug, or that compliment that your boss gave you. To make it sound a little cheeky: In the end, it’s the little things that matter the most.

The joy about feeling grateful at least once a day is already so helpful to feel generously happy with just being alive. And in the end, we all want the same thing, to just be happy. So I wonder; When do you start?

When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and the tide of love rushes in.